It's now official. My mom is part robot. This device is her super fantastic new knee -- just installed today! She wasn't amused when I suggested that she should consider participating in the
Miss America Pageant, since they now accept participants with, gasp, scars. I did get a tiny smile when I congratulated her for winning six months worth of free ballroom dancing lessons, though she did ask me how much I had paid for that and whether or not the gift certificate was non-refundable. I asked her if they had taken any x-rays of her cool new robotic parts to which she merely rolled her eyes and then pretended to fall asleep. Hopefully it will look awesome, like this:

I bet that she will be very excited to see the motivational poster that I made, which includes all of the activities that she can now do with her brand new body part:

Though this is frowned upon:

This would be perfectly acceptable:


And probably even this:

She could even start a new hobby:

But this position is not allowed:

She is going to be pretty bummed out when she discovers that she won't be able to do this:

Or this:

I'll wait to tell her until she is freshly doped up again, in about 2.5 hours.

Since she has another knee that may, someday, need a similar operation, and she loves to save money, I'm going to learn how to
do it myself. I even have the anesthesia issue resolved:

As cool as robot parts are, there is one other thing that I wish she would consider:

Get well soon, Mom!