She doesn't seem to realize that, though.
Before I write a full personal ad for this cat, who, really, has little interest in boy cats, I'll admit that I envy Xena's existence at times. She lives an extremely cushy life, doing whatever she feels like doing, whenever she feels like doing it. She seems generally content, nary an existential crisis has clouded her day. I believe this is because she has found her spot in life. She never needs to mentally prepare herself to take a nap in the sun. She doesn't ever procrastinate on any of her various cat tasks -- she simply gets them finished in her own good time and enjoys herself in the process.
She has become my mentor. I've been following her around, taking notes. Asking questions. It is obvious that she appreciates the fact that I have finally come to my senses and noticed her for the sage that she is. I'm certain that at some point in the very near future, I'll be required to compensate her in some way for her instructional services. Good thing tuna was on sale this week at the grocery store; I stocked up.
What I want to know from her is how to maintain this easy come easy go approach to life. Why is it that I need an entire week off to simply arrive in the brain space where my mental faucet will bring water immediately once turned? An entire week to get to this place where I can sit, do, plot, plan, make, create, write, photo, zibzabberydoo on demand, at will!, and tomorrow, I have to return to work. How do I keep the faucet at this level of preparedness?
Ugh. It is the Return To Work Malaise.
Xena just yawns. Stretches. Rolls over. Looks at me. I guess enlightenment will not be happening today.